Mysteries of Light, Darkness, Lust, and Love in Twin Peaks

 Is there more light or darkness in the Universe?

A question that has haunted my mind since watching Twin Peaks. 

It would be something of a fact to the astronomer, the astrophysicist, and the physicist that light travels faster than the speed of sound, and it would seem that all the stars in the night sky would champion over all the darkness. Yet, darkness still prevails as the canvas of the stars. The canvas of all the Universe.

Strangely, Major Briggs shared with Cooper the papers that would reveal the Universe's calling and warning to the special agent. The fact that Major Briggs shared this confidential bit of intel with Cooper means something mysterious and alien. Though it is supposedly the calling signals from the White Lodge, would this entail the White Lodge is out there far beyond our reach? It is responsible for the stars' light in the Universe, while the Black Lodge represents the darkness that surrounds that very light. Perhaps it's the dimensions inside that very light and that very darkness, that lead us to the Lodges themselves. The secret passageways they don't want us to know.

This mystery stumps me beyond else. Not just in the Twin Peaks Universe, but in life in general. I've tried learning more about the aspects of light and darkness, yin and yang, and all the rest. But nothing sparks the solution as to who is the champion over the other. It's always a waging war. And thanks to their 'balance' it is not an easy battle. Nor is it an easy answer to know for certain which is superior to the other.

The stars are fires of the Universe. Each their own Sun. Their own flame of warmth and the benefactor of possible alien life on other planets throughout infinity. Fire Walk With Me would be impossible to follow, for there are so many to know which to follow. In The Return, we see Laura Palmer in a yellow glowing orb in the hands of Dido. A possible resemblance to a star - a star of innocence made a victim to the world and Universe. So powerful to cause the domino effect of innocence, cross-over romance, and corruption all over Twin Peaks, which a domino strangely is something in Hank Jenning's possession (a domino with a double three dots on it).

Sadly, Laura would not be the Jesus Christ who cleanses us from our sins. She only brought more darkness, more pain, and more suffering to Twin Peaks and its residents after her horrific passing. Was her shining innocence so much to spark a wildfire of such dark emotions among the town and its people? The darkness remained in the cavern underneath her very skin, as her innocence remained the Sun shining in and out of her exterior, hiding the darkness well within to manipulate those she desired.

I also began to wonder why she chose the men she did. Were Bobby Briggs, James Hurley, Ben Horne, Leo Johnson, and the others possible agents of darkness and death? Or was James Hurley more an agent of light, which led to the heated rivalry between him and Bobby Briggs? The weakness within all of them also makes me wonder if she was the Dominator of Light and Darkness. She could manipulate both forces, revealing both are weak and vulnerable to their causes and desires.

And for BOB to be so obsessed with Laura... it would seem so strange for him to find her as catnip to his cravings of pain and suffering, as much as to want to possess her body and soul. And the sorrow he screamed after he killed her, we all knew he was very much as devastated as all those who loved her. He was suffering from his own pain and suffering, and I'm not sure if he gained any garmonbozia from it. It was the perfect ricochet to the entity that fed off of the same emotions as the others in the Black Lodge.  

Darkness, pain, and suffering... those make us human. If that was the purpose of Laura Palmer's life and death, why? And is Cooper a mix of darkness and light like the Universe? How do we know whether he was placed into our world as a messiah or an anti-Christ?

And when Windom Earle comes into the picture, we immediately think of him as an agent of darkness, which makes Cooper, even more, the agent of light as he was for most part of the original series until the very end. Was Love the Light or Darkness to open the Black Lodge at Glastonbury Grove? 

To me, it seemed to be Darkness, leading Cooper to his doom in the clutches of BOB for his doppelganger, and himself alone for 25 years in the Lodge itself. Love seemed to me the weakness we have, more than the strength when it comes to this... or that it was Lust that Cooper felt for Annie instead of Love. Either way, the weakness is still relevant and present. Lust is also apparent in the story arc of Benjamin Horne and Catherine Martell. Could Love and Lust possibly feed Darkness more than Fear than we truly know? Are there four types of agents in the world instead of only two (e.g. agents of light, agents of darkness, agents of love, and agents of lust)?

It is also worth saying that Cooper's white-knight syndrome was also a weakness rooted within him since he went in unprepared for the consequences that were to come before him. Perhaps that is the weakness of the agent of light all along. James Hurley was aware of how whenever he did something to make things better, something bad would always happen. It would seem that he too has white-knight syndrome as much as Cooper, even leading him into the clutches of Evelyn Marsh outside of Twin Peaks. It is uncertain if he really felt Love or Lust for Laura, Donna, and Evelyn, but the signs of similarities between him and Cooper are beyond fathomable. 

Cooper suffered the death of someone he loved: Caroline. It affected him in unimaginable ways, but really, that is not the case when we compare him with James Hurley, who loved a girl probably just as much but failed to help her as much as Cooper did for Caroline. They seem to mirror each other in many ways, except Cooper did what he could to keep himself away from James' issues with love/lust until Annie came into the picture. Evelyn could also have been a mirror image of Annie as well. The victim of abuse and seizing the heart at its weakest: broken. The agents of light might have this broken yearning heart in common, a sign of their own weakness beyond repair.

During Season One of Twin Peaks, we see Laura Palmer break the heart in two from her necklace, and then giving it to James. Laura Palmer could've caused so many hearts to be broken by breaking that heart charm. James, Donna, Truman, Johnny, and also, her own parents. The start of all pain and suffering had been sown right then before she sacrificed herself... her death making it all seed and sprout in the town of Twin Peaks. The Invitation to Love became the nightmare no one had ever hoped for. 

As always, the mystery keeps brewing and expanding. It's something of a mystery that builds more mysteries over itself., which makes it beyond impossible to discover its many secrets. Or it's a mystery that the darkness will never shine light upon, knowing the truth will either dehumanize us or ruin all balance of life and order. Whatever the reason, I can't say it doesn't prevent us from wanting to know more knowledge we really should. 

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