Hi and I'm Gonna Catch Up

    Okay so I haven't been around in this blog for what probably seems like ages to some. And I bet some thought that this blog was dead and no longer something to look at. 

    First of all, I assure you, that I'm doing fine and am healthy. I did have a downward spiral of creativity and thoughts for a while and it was hard for me to write anything of good quality and discussion. Now that I'm back up and running again, I've been creating new great content for the past month or so.

    I'm back into writing scripts now after a two-year hiatus doing so. I've been writing songs and posting them on my YouTube channel. I've actually got some new bright ideas brewing for novels, short stories, and even more scripts, and things are looking up. Even in my real life apart from my creative one, things are starting to look for me and my family as we were settling on some rough times (which I'll leave it as that, since I'm not one to reveal private details of my life, especially when they concern hardships).

    So far so good, I'm hoping my ship will sail toward the sunset in a peaceful bliss, where no storms will evade my journey to a fulfilling life, which I hope will be successful and amazing and full of many grand opportunities moving forward. If there are those out there who are having a bad time, always know this, things will look up, no matter how long it will take to get there. That is the test of your patience and your ability to keep optimistic through the darkness that clouds your pathway through whatever hardship you're enduring at the moment. 

To give up, the darkness will slaughter all hopes and dreams. To never give up, the light will always prevail against the butchering knife of that slaughtering darkness.

A quote of my own that I'm not sure will make any sense to anyone but it was worth the shot to help those who needed some words to get through whatever's hindering their way in life.

    So updates in the David Lynch world. 

    We've known for a few years that David Lynch has been diagnosed with emphysema, which is caused by excessive smoking. David has always been known to be a great cigarette smoker and, since his diagnosis, he has put the cigarette smoking behind him. Sadly, the impact of his long-term habit and enjoyment gave him critical stand-backs. He can no longer be on a set to direct a film in person. He can only do so in the comforts of his own home and direct from there. He can only walk 10 minutes before he becomes weak and takes oxygen to recover. 

    Though David Lynch always seems to be a homebody in general, this is no apparent issue for him. In fact, he has always thrived through limitations, especially when it comes to limited budget with his iconic and spectacular films.  

    The 78-year-old cinematic genius has released an album with his long-time collaborator and muse, Chrystabell called Cellophane Memories earlier this month. An album that's quite interesting compared to his other interesting work in music. Almost as if it were guiding us into a very different dimension of music... farther than David has ever gotten with his music. Even Chrystabell's voice seems so out of this dimension.

    Since this blog wasn't created at the time of Chrystabell's re-emergence on social media after over a year of absence, it is nice to point out that this was the time when she was off working with David on a mysterious project everyone was bustling about. Especially with the rumors of Wisteria going about the internet. A project which David has been planning to surface with no luck (and we can not forget Netflix turning the cheek to his Snootworld animation and Unrecorded Night). 

    It was either in June or July of this year (forgive me for my poor memory on this since I've been frazzled for a while with my own world) when Chrystabell, David Lynch, and Sacred Bones announced the release of the album. And upon its release, a very intriguing intro the whole album on David Lynch Theater's YouTube channel along with a Q&A with the man himself and the woman herself as well. A truthfully enlightening day to chill with such icons to our hearts.

    There were other disheartening news with Steven and Gersten's tree breaking down, and the demolishment of Hap's Diner (fortunately, the counter has been saved and preserved by Twin Peaks fans). Despite all of this, we're happy to still have what we have to keep the spirit of Twin Peaks and David Lynch alive. 

    The most saddening news that hit Twin Peaks fans hard was the passing of Katie Edgin, the wife of Matthew Edgin. The community really really bonded and felt connected with this endearing woman. She and Matt were married by Sherilyn Fenn (our beloved Audrey Horne) and from what I've heard of those around me, she was a woman beyond kindness and respect and love. Her battle against cancer was something of a challenge we'll never forget. And her passing made us mourn and become closer as a community in Twin Peaks... From Another Place. 

    Though I never met Katie, I did have a few brief back-and-forths with her in the comments sections of posts in the group. From those memorable little moments, they were big in my heart because I felt how much of a compassionate and endearing person she really was. I felt connected to all the mourning. Katie will always be the Sun to all our days, and the Moon and stars to all our nights. A light eternal.

    I think I might have filled in some of the gaps when I last posted on this blog. Ups and downs and all around. I hope everyone is doing well and we all live on in love, peace, and harmony. Thank you for checking into this blog and article. I might have another one coming up that is an observation I just discovered on my own and not sure if others have discoved it already.

    Always fun to write, and I'm happy to return with an article after so many months inactive. Thank you all so much and keep on dreaming. :)

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