The Dark Side to the Bright Side of the Twin Peaks/David Lynch Community

The Black Lodge... where the Dark Side of our community roams

Yesterday was the 1st anniversary of Twin Peaks... From Another Place Facebook group. In honor of the feat, I'm going to discuss the start of the group, what led to its creation, and the negativity, toxicity, and dark side of most of the Twin Peaks/David Lynch community that made all things happen.

In late January, I took my first step into the community after relishing the beautiful cinematic works of the one and only David Lynch. The first film I saw by him was DUNE a year prior. I was 19 at that time and after I saw it, I was beside myself on how beautiful, how incredible, and how amazing the film. Immediately I began doing research on the film and soon found out that it's David Lynch's naughty child in film because he didn't get the final cut on it. I know this had led many to not like the film along with him, but I just adored it so much that I couldn't think of anything different. I soon discovered the Spicediver alternative redux of the film on YouTube and it was even more beautiful than the original. And there is so much to think about it being connected to Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks, even though it's an entirely different universe created by an entirely different creator, Frank Herbert. (If anyone hasn't read the article DUNE, Blue Velvet, and Twin Peaks: Cooper In The Making feel free to check it out. It consists of my theory as to why I think those three films, especially DUNE, are the three puzzle pieces that make up Agent Dale Cooper of Twin Peaks). 

DUNE, Blue Velvet, & Twin Peaks: Cooper In The Making

After DUNE, I then watched Blue Velvet and fell even more in love with Lynch's cinematic prowess and chops. It was mysterious, dark, horrific, and beautiful all at the same time, which was unlike any film I had ever seen. I knew that I had more of a connection with Lynch by the way he made his characters, his settings, and his atmospheric impact in each and every one of them. I couldn't express it anymore how beautiful every aspect of his films has to their entirety.  It's beyond words.

The rest is history after I experienced those two films by Lynch. I've watched all his films, and always walked away satisfied but still wanting more of each film. Twin Peaks became another huge blow to my awe. The quirkiness of the characters, a small town like that of Lumberton in Blue Velvet, the soap opera-ish beauty of it all. The fact that his most recent films before Twin Peaks were DUNE and Blue Velvet, this was another beauty that I think both those films had great influence in. Dreams, prophecies, a dark mystery that gets darker and darker as the story moves forward, and the inner conflict of all the characters as they evolve in each episode. Agent Cooper is by far Lynch's best creation for a beloved character who is very intelligent, inspiring, brave, silly, charming, respectable, and endearing. It is common to say he's our favorite character in the series, as he is indeed the main protagonist we all follow and root for as the story unfolds.

As my Twin Peaks journey was going on, I began following a Twin Peaks group that I will keep anonymous to prevent controversy and drama that I don't need back in my life. At first, the group was like a second family. Its main members, who I was mostly involved within the group at the time, were welcoming, funny, and great friends... or so I thought. The main leader had issues with me many a time and we'd fight in FB Messenger quite often. And behind my very back, those who I thought were my friends turned out to stab me by sharing private details with the leader so he could use them later to oust me from his circle. From this experience, I found out those who betrayed me and those who were truly my friends. Only three of them were my friends out of the majority, which was a sad result. But still, I managed to keep my chin up, and not give a damn about what that leader said about me on their show to to the whole world. What had happened happened behind closed doors. And what had happened I have no shame or regret. 

Before the main leader did what he did, I had already made my own group a few months before. I created the group on February 14th, 2023. It was made under the great encouragement of my one of my first friends on Facebook, Wade. Thanks to him, I managed to create what the Twin Peaks/David Lynch community needed: a positive, light-hearted, energetic, and entertaining group where everyone could be happy to be part of without being judged for their views and would be respected, befriended, and equally loved. One big happy family under the foundation of our love for David Lynch and his cinematic legacy. This group would be like the Sun. Shining on that very legacy and our love and adoration for it. 

The groups where toxicity lies behind its very doors is a complicated topic to cover, but it is something that needs to be put out in the known. How did a community so bright, wonderful, and strange turn out to be a cesspool of degenerates who want to make fans miserable? It's so sad and disgraceful to those who are behind that dark side of celebrating the community. Fortunately, it manufactured a seed that would grow into a Twin Peaks/David Lynch group pure and beautiful: Twin Peaks... From Another Place. 

... From Another Place was added to the title for a purpose: another place with another atmosphere and family-like dynamic. And of course, it was taken after the Little Man From Another Place (which I think most figured, lol) I love the group so much. I don't even like to think that it's mine. It's the members' group as well because without all of us, this group wouldn't have gotten as far as it has. I'm honored to be one of those amazing people who have joined and I'll always be part of the family that has sparked such beauty and love to the community as a whole.

Thank you to all who have supported me in making this group a reality and thank you to all who have kept its spirit alive. Let's keep the Sun shining on the community we so love, respect, and admire for many more years to come.

Love and Peace. <3

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