Hi!! If you haven't checked out my fanfic series called Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose, feel free to check it out. It's an incomplete series (hope to continue it when I have more time) that includes the prequel Twin Peaks: THE BIRDWATCHER, Twin Peaks: CHASING A BLUE ROSE (Book I), and about a quarter of Twin Peaks: CHASING A BLUE ROSE (Book II).

The series is a continuation of Season 2 and is my fanfic view as to what might've happened after the show was canceled until 2017 when The Return emerged. 

This is for entertainment purposes only. Not to be taken into serious account of the events that might've occurred.

Thank you for checking out my work and I hope you'll stay tuned for more of the continuation.

There is also a Facebook group of mine dedicated to this fanfic series by the same name. I also have a main-stream Facebook, Reddit, and Discord group called Twin Peaks... From Another Place, and another FB group called Twin Peak-isque & Lynchian Music 4 the Soul.  Feel free to join any of those groups if interested in keeping the Twin Peaks/David Lynch fandom alive.

Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose - Archive of Our Own

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