Lucid Dream... The End of Twin Peaks?

I did more research on dreams the other day and discovered something very earth-shattering. At the end of Twin Peaks: The Return (2017), we see Agent Cooper and Carrie Paige go to the Palmer House and meet Alice Tremond. At the end of this acquaintance, Cooper and Carrie walk away. Cooper then begins to think, turns to her, and asks, "What year is this?" In response, Carrie Paige starts to shake and a powerful scream escapes from her... the kind that makes the scene turn black. This marked the end of the season, leaving us wondering, "What the heck just happened?"

Lucid dreaming. Yes. From my continued research on the topic of dreams, I've come across this type of dreaming that would answer this scene's mystery. Many people have experienced lucid dreaming and actually have a mandatory rule for it, due to the terrifying moments they've previously dealt with in the Dream World. For those who don't know what this type of dreaming is, it's simply this: you're asleep, you dream, then you wake up in your dream, and are wandering in the Dream World with pure consciousness far away from the subconscious. 

Now, the rule is simple. Never, ever, ever, ask a person in your dream what time it is. If you do ask, it'll make them either stern or hostile toward you. You are not supposed to be awake in the Dream World and they will make you leave the realm without your consent. Whether or not this Dream World could be another dimension or not is a great mystery. Especially since we're not allowed to be awake there, as if we're an outlier of a place we shouldn't be. Whatever it is, is it certainly something of an intrigue. The shock and terror expressed by Cooper is the reaction we all got after experiencing such a horrifying scream... the scream that trembled all our nerves with fear.

What Cooper experienced at the end of The Return was simply the common reaction of someone in a lucid dream. especially toward the question "What year is this?" The screen turning black might mean his conscious mind returned to our world. Or, as many have hypothesized, he's still stuck in the Black Lodge and was dreaming all that time in The Return.

Thank you for reading this article. Feel free to share your thoughts, theories, and debates in the comment section below. If interested, there is Twin Peaks... From Another Place group on Facebook, Reddit, and Discord to join. Also, feel free to check out my Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose fanfic series prequel, Twin Peaks: The Birdwatcher (my other TP: CABR novels to be published here soon, though you can still find them on Archives of Our Own as well), published here and on Archives Of Our Own. Thanks again!!

Thanks again. See you in the trees.

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