Is The Matrix Influenced by Twin Peaks?


Did the creators of the latter gain their massive blockbuster idea from Twin Peaks and FWWM? In all three The Matrix films, especially the first one, there is the massive influence of green, numbers, and also We All Live In A Dream -though those very words aren't very expressed in dialogue. But the idea of our brains under simulation would make it seem that we all live in a dream world. Everything we see, feel, smell, taste, and touch are all simulated to our human senses thanks to these programs. 

Outside the dream is the harsh reality that AI machines rule the world and use our body's energy (like that of a battery) to keep themselves alive as they terminate anyone who wakes from their simulation. The Agents seem like the FBI, but serve a troublesome purpose to The Matrix, and are the main nemesis of Neo who is proclaimed as the Messiah. Maybe in Twin Peaks and the Lynchian Universe, BOB, Judy, the Mystery Man, and other entities are just like those troublesome agents working their own agenda outside something bigger.

In Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Phillip Jeffries tells Cooper, Gordon, and Albert that we all live inside a dream... Could possibly Judy and the other entities (including the Mystery Man), be like the machines outside our dream? Feeding off of our fear and suffering? Is Cooper our Messiah? 

So many questions. A certain number, which I believe is 3, is when something usually bad is about to happen and it is no other than the Agents.  The room number of Neo is 101, while Cooper's hotel room at the Great Northern is 315. Numbers seem to play a big role in both Twin Peaks and The Matrix, as well as the color green.

In Twin Peaks, green is seen on the ring that Teresa Banks, Chet Desmond, MIKE, Laura Palmer, and Dale Cooper wear. It is also of the Formica table at the meeting between the Little Man and BOB, along with Jumping Man and other entities. Green is also popular in David Lynch's films, including DUNE. In The Matrix, the color green is the standard color for computer programming. Since everything is programmed, green is seen as the color of everything's computer code. 

The Merovingian of The Matrix seems to be like Windom Earle. He wants the power to rule The Matrix, as Windom Earle wants to take on the Black Lodge. Both are cunning; both are determined to get what they want; both go through extraordinary measures to get it; and both wind up doomed to their desires (the fate of the Merovingian is displayed in The Matrix: Resurrection). 

Could Annie Blackburn be Cooper's version of Trinity? Or could it have been Audrey Horne, who went through many gutsy risks to help her beloved agent? Perhaps Deputy Chief Gordon Cole could've been Cooper's version of Morpheus, a guiding figure in his purpose in terms of the Blue Rose Taskforce. And Lil from FWWM as the Oracle, who predicted Chet Desmond's future in the case of Teresa Banks, like the sweet woman who predicted Neo's future in the first and second Matrix films. 

Though it does seem obvious that The Matrix is heavily influenced by Twin Peaks and David Lynch, we are not sure if the Wachowskis are even fans. But the comparisons are too clear to ignore.

Thank you for reading this article. Feel free to share your thoughts, theories, and debates in the comment section below. If interested, there is Twin Peaks... From Another Place group on Facebook, Reddit, and Discord to join. Also, feel free to check out my Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose fanfic series prequel, Twin Peaks: The Birdwatcher, published here and on Archives Of Our Own. Thanks again!!

Thanks again. See you in the trees.

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