Electricity... Do They Use It?

This article has SPOILERS. If you haven't seen Twin Peaks: The Return, Lost Highway, and Eraserhead, do not read this article. If you have, then keep on scrolling. :)

Electricity is a theme common in some of David Lynch's films. 

'Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter possessing an electric charge. Electricity is related to magnetism, both being part of the phenomenon of electromagnetism, as described by Maxwell's equations. Common phenomena are related to electricity, including lightning, static electricity, electric heating, electric discharges, and many others.

The presence of either a positive or negative electric charge produces an electric field. The motion of electric charges is an electric current and produces a magnetic field. In most applications, Coulomb's law determines the force acting on an electric charge. Electric potential is the work done to move an electric charge from one point to another within an electric field, typically measured in volts.

Electricity plays a central role in many modern technologies, serving in electric power where electric current is used to energize equipment, and in electronics dealing with electrical circuits involving active components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies.' (according to Wikipedia)

In Lost Highway, while Fred Madison is suffering from a severe migraine on death row, electricity comes into his cell. After all the blue flashings and Fred's screams of terror and pain, he is then switched to another man, Pete Dayton. From this, electricity seems to have an importance in swapping different identities from different places. 

In Twin Peaks: The Return, we see that after the Good Cooper arrives at the balcony viewing the purple sea, and enters the Tower, Naido leads him away from Socket #15, and leads him to Socket #3. She also works with some switches as well, making sure the electric current goes on the correct path for Cooper's destination. (as for why his shoes are left behind after being sucked into Socket #3 is some mystery) Then, Good Cooper arrives from there to the socket where Dougie Jones previously was before being returned to the Black Lodge to be recycled. Another socket comes into play at Janey-E's place. He becomes so mesmerized by it that he puts a fork in it. This gets him into a coma and awakens him to be the Cooper we all know and love.

It goes on in The Return when the Giant tells him of 304 at the White Lodge. He and Diane drive to that number and pass through an electric current, which we can hear the hum during the scene. Once they pass through, they switch to Richard and Linda. 

It is also seen in Eraserhead when the man with the lever has some control over a factory and pulls it a few times during the film. Electricity would seem to be part of this as well, for a use unknown. 

Electricity seems to be a transportive and transformative power in Lynch's Universe... It's like all possibilities of alternative realities lie within the electric current, and it's the one thing keeping us from going further than our own reality. A restrictive barrier, except for those who are accepted by those on the other side. 

Whether or not electricity indeed has the power to transform and transfer among alternative realities, it is apparent in Lynch's Universe that it is much more than it seems. The entities of the Black and White Lodges, and/or the other entities outside, could be in charge of the pathways of electric currents. And, of course, in charge of the acceptance of those whom they want to pass through and out again. 

Also, there are the positive and negative charges within electricity that could be altered to make whatever path, whether good or bad. I don't know if the altering of more positive charges in the electric current could make way for a happier reality and vice versa if more negative charges. But if the altering of the currents could be another pathway to either the Black Lodge or the White Lodge, that could be how some entities can move around so easily under our very noses. Even the static in the air could help them navigate through the world and other dimensions. 

Another Lost Highway/The Return observations. At the party in Lost Highway, the Mystery Man tells Fred to call him on his cell at the Madison Mansion. This revealed to us that the Mystery Man could be in two places (and possibly more) at once. This proves the electric navigation and transportation of the entities. And we can't forget the scene with Mr. C when he disrupted the power of where he was held prisoner. With a phone, he managed to do so, and this is a clear sign that the electrical signals of even a phone call could cause things to happen or be done in terms of the entities. 

Since electricity seems to have a clear presence of power to the entities, it could also lead us further to the unknown. The entities seem to control us. They could be anywhere, watching over us, and causing the questionable and mysterious things the F.B.I. has been investigating for decades behind closed doors.

Thank you for reading this article. Feel free to share your thoughts, theories, and debates in the comment section below. If interested, there is Twin Peaks... From Another Place group on Facebook and Discord to join. Also, feel free to check out my Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose fanfic series prequel, Twin Peaks: The Birdwatcher, published here and on Archives Of Our Own. Thanks again!!

Thanks again. See you in the trees.

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