Depeche Mode: The Lost Band of the Lynch-verse

There are many bands whose music I wished David Lynch would've added to Twin Peaks: The Return and his other films. The one band I thought would've been an immediate choice for David Lynch is none other than Depeche Mode. They have the underground and dark mystique that would fit perfectly with the atmosphere of his cinematic genius, and they are one of Kyle MacLachlan's favorite bands. 

Their most recent album Memento Mori has so much that would be awesome if Lynch is making his next film, especially the songs Caroline's Monkey, My Cosmos Is Mine, Don't Say You Love Me, and My Favorite Stranger. It's a full-blown masterpiece of darkness and death. It stands right next to their 1990 album Violator... an album which I also think would've been awesome to be featured in The Return or even Lost Highway and Wild At Heart (Personal Jesus to be perfect for Wild At Heart in terms of Sailor and Lula). 

The haunting lead vocals of Dave Gahan could carry us to the depths of Lynch's pathways of surrealism, further pulling us into the darkness and mystique. Though I do listen to their music with Lynchian gusto, despite their music never being in a Lynch film, I embrace them as if they are part of that Universe I cherish so deeply. Every time a song by them comes on the radio or Spotify, I think of the missed opportunity Lynch made that could've been another big sound to his work.

May Depeche Mode keep their music alive with the darkness. Through the darkness, the mystery will always wander and ensnare us all forever in its fateful grasp.

(R.I.P. Fletcher)

Thank you for reading this article. Feel free to share your thoughts, theories, and debates in the comment section below. If interested, there is Twin Peaks... From Another Place group on Facebook, Reddit, and Discord to join and have further awesome discussions. Also, feel free to check out my Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose fanfic series prequel, Twin Peaks: The Birdwatcher, published here and on Archives Of Our Own. Thanks again!!

Thanks again. See you in the trees.

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