David Lynch: A Love Letter Dedication

David Lynch was more than just a man.  

That much I can say for all of us. For, if he were only a man, why would we feel so close to him or love him so dearly without having met him truly in person on a day-to-day basis?  

What was he? I hate to mention him in the past tense. It is still unreal to me, as it is to all of us, that a man so brilliant and mysterious and strange and delicate could perish at a time of sadness and destruction.  

Kyle MacLachlan has spoken more than anyone after his dear friend’s passing, and we all understood and have felt everything he said he had cherished and experienced with the man. Even through Sherilyn Fenn’s words to her Instagram post, ‘I feel... sad,’ we all know exactly what she’s feeling on a highly personal level. The beauty is that we all feel exactly the same as those who knew him and loved him in person.  

To all of us, David was extraordinary and a man who spoke little of his own understanding of the world he’d create through his art, his films and shows, and his music. He saw things we wish we could see and touch. He knew things that we wish we could know, and he would never tell. He could describe something so beautiful to us that we, ourselves, would’ve never seen in such a level of significant beauty and awe as he did himself. And with his own hands, he could create something so strange and marvelous at the same time, that we couldn’t help but wonder how he could envision such things and manage to recreate them with his own genius and talent. 

We can’t explain who he was or what he’s done in a way that would suit him entirely down to the very syllable. We try hard to find the words, and use our feelings to give rise to such words, but... even then we don’t know how to describe our own feelings toward the man. Besides, each of us have our own feelings, different from the other, or similar, and grieve his passing differently or similarly just the same.  

But as for myself... I did not cry after hearing the news of his sudden passing. In all honesty I say I was smiling with joy. I felt he was no longer in pain and suffering, that he was free. Free from the bounds of his human flesh that we saw and embraced. While most of everyone thought he was gone and that it was the end, I felt he had never left. That his spirit still lives and is watching us, smiling at us, seeing in our hearts and souls how much we loved him and everything that was to him. And I smiled with such relief to know he was gone of the suffering to live in a realm of no suffering and filled with peaceful bliss.  

I can think of him and smile just the same. How warm he feels in the air. How sweet, how light, how dreamy he feels. It’s unreal, even though, he had once said for us all to ‘Get real’. It’s hard not to laugh at such reference, because the man was brilliant with his words.  

Just now, I noticed I’ve said before in this article that David was more than a man. And on an occasion in this same article, I refer to him as a man or the man. I think this is the time I emphasize his ‘presence’ to all of us. But fair warning, I know not all of us are religious or have any interest or tolerance to such aspects of thought and faith, but we all know that there are many religious references to his works, so please, do bear with me with an open mind, for this is a dear thought of mine concerning David. 

David is a biblical name. It is through David’s bloodline that Jesus Christ is born. And in the Bible, it is said that David was a strong shepherd, was a talent with music, was loyal to the Lord his God, and was a man who won the hearts of all who knew him. And he was God’s Chosen One to take over the throne of Israel after the decline of the nation’s first king, Saul.  

Whenever I think of our David who passed, I can’t help but compare him to the David of the Biblical times, for they are similar in many aspects than one. He was a shepherd to his proteges, that included Kyle MacLachlan, Laura Dern, and Sherilyn Fenn to name a few. He was a talent of music. He was loyal to his views of God and Heaven (as he did state: The kingdom of heaven, God the Almighty merciful father, is that totality. It’s that level. It’s the almighty merciful father, and the divine mother, the kingdom of heaven, the absolute, divine being, bliss consciousness, creative intelligence.’). And, most of all, he was a man who won all the hearts who knew him and everyone, with the fullest of hearts, loved him.  

It would seem as if he was Heaven’s Anointed One, the one who would rule the world through his art and talent, as well as his own individual spirit that is like no other. (I say is not was now because his spirit still remains in our world and should be stated as something still alive with us).  

And the references of King Saul, who loved the biblical David, but then feared him because he knew that David was to take over his Throne and was the new Chosen One. I can’t help but think that Saul is a great depiction of Hollywood today.  

Hollywood loved him, indeed, yet they feared his influence on the freedom of filmmaking as well as confronting the corruption of cinematic beauty and art. With that fear, they shut him down from working on his latest projects rejected, which include Snootworld and Unrecorded Night. We also know that our David had been fighting Hollywood during the filming of Twin Peaks: The Return, resenting the time scheduling, and not being able to go dreamy enough into his own craft... something that truly irked and devastated him to a point of heartbreak. 

Sadly enough, our David couldn’t win in the end of his battles against Hollywood (and Netflix to be even more specific) to get his latest projects in the making. But we do know this: He still won against Hollywood itself.  

He knew how to work on his own, to work in his own studio, and make things happen on his own terms and his own way. Nobody to control him or tell him what to do. He had freedom to his own immeasurable device, and he felt at peace with that. He still managed to beat the system by showing the world that he can build and do everything on his own and however he damn well pleased. 

A spirit so loved and cherished, David’s death is no end to himself in totality. We feel him deep in all our hearts to the point there is no doubting his presence. I did say once that he was ‘in the air’, (funny how that puns to his show On the Air that came after the original Twin Peaks), but I also think he’s within us all. Like the Holy Spirit upon all humanity.  

And how certain was our David to have that Lady in the Radiator sing ‘In heaven, everything is fine.’ in his feature film debut, Eraserhead, if had he not any sincere faith in peace and God whatsoever? And we cannot forget the angel in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, who gave Laura Palmer tears and laughter of peace and joy.  

David Lynch is very much indeed alive as I write this article, as we all breathe, and as we all smile, laugh, play, work, and everything we do in our lives that David himself would find so beautiful to his eyes, heart, mind, and soul, as we find him and his works in the same light. 

Through him, we have become more determined to become more curious about the world we live in, and ourselves as human beings. We learn to experiment with our many, many ideas. We thrive to understand, embrace, and absorb the dark and the strange and the mysterious. And of course, we learn that Hollywood will never treat the finest of any of us as great as they once did, as they did not respect him and his talent as they should have. 

Long live the spirit of our David, we all pray. The David that could’ve indeed been the great equivalence of David in the Bible, lived a life full of dreams, and I believe now, that he is still dreaming today as he watches over us all, and loves us so tenderly as we did, and still do, for him. And his legacy will always be passed down from generation to generation, where he’ll always live on to watch and smile as life goes on.

Hi and I'm Gonna Catch Up

    Okay so I haven't been around in this blog for what probably seems like ages to some. And I bet some thought that this blog was dead and no longer something to look at. 

    First of all, I assure you, that I'm doing fine and am healthy. I did have a downward spiral of creativity and thoughts for a while and it was hard for me to write anything of good quality and discussion. Now that I'm back up and running again, I've been creating new great content for the past month or so.

    I'm back into writing scripts now after a two-year hiatus doing so. I've been writing songs and posting them on my YouTube channel. I've actually got some new bright ideas brewing for novels, short stories, and even more scripts, and things are looking up. Even in my real life apart from my creative one, things are starting to look for me and my family as we were settling on some rough times (which I'll leave it as that, since I'm not one to reveal private details of my life, especially when they concern hardships).

    So far so good, I'm hoping my ship will sail toward the sunset in a peaceful bliss, where no storms will evade my journey to a fulfilling life, which I hope will be successful and amazing and full of many grand opportunities moving forward. If there are those out there who are having a bad time, always know this, things will look up, no matter how long it will take to get there. That is the test of your patience and your ability to keep optimistic through the darkness that clouds your pathway through whatever hardship you're enduring at the moment. 

To give up, the darkness will slaughter all hopes and dreams. To never give up, the light will always prevail against the butchering knife of that slaughtering darkness.

A quote of my own that I'm not sure will make any sense to anyone but it was worth the shot to help those who needed some words to get through whatever's hindering their way in life.

    So updates in the David Lynch world. 

    We've known for a few years that David Lynch has been diagnosed with emphysema, which is caused by excessive smoking. David has always been known to be a great cigarette smoker and, since his diagnosis, he has put the cigarette smoking behind him. Sadly, the impact of his long-term habit and enjoyment gave him critical stand-backs. He can no longer be on a set to direct a film in person. He can only do so in the comforts of his own home and direct from there. He can only walk 10 minutes before he becomes weak and takes oxygen to recover. 

    Though David Lynch always seems to be a homebody in general, this is no apparent issue for him. In fact, he has always thrived through limitations, especially when it comes to limited budget with his iconic and spectacular films.  

    The 78-year-old cinematic genius has released an album with his long-time collaborator and muse, Chrystabell called Cellophane Memories earlier this month. An album that's quite interesting compared to his other interesting work in music. Almost as if it were guiding us into a very different dimension of music... farther than David has ever gotten with his music. Even Chrystabell's voice seems so out of this dimension.

    Since this blog wasn't created at the time of Chrystabell's re-emergence on social media after over a year of absence, it is nice to point out that this was the time when she was off working with David on a mysterious project everyone was bustling about. Especially with the rumors of Wisteria going about the internet. A project which David has been planning to surface with no luck (and we can not forget Netflix turning the cheek to his Snootworld animation and Unrecorded Night). 

    It was either in June or July of this year (forgive me for my poor memory on this since I've been frazzled for a while with my own world) when Chrystabell, David Lynch, and Sacred Bones announced the release of the album. And upon its release, a very intriguing intro the whole album on David Lynch Theater's YouTube channel along with a Q&A with the man himself and the woman herself as well. A truthfully enlightening day to chill with such icons to our hearts.

    There were other disheartening news with Steven and Gersten's tree breaking down, and the demolishment of Hap's Diner (fortunately, the counter has been saved and preserved by Twin Peaks fans). Despite all of this, we're happy to still have what we have to keep the spirit of Twin Peaks and David Lynch alive. 

    The most saddening news that hit Twin Peaks fans hard was the passing of Katie Edgin, the wife of Matthew Edgin. The community really really bonded and felt connected with this endearing woman. She and Matt were married by Sherilyn Fenn (our beloved Audrey Horne) and from what I've heard of those around me, she was a woman beyond kindness and respect and love. Her battle against cancer was something of a challenge we'll never forget. And her passing made us mourn and become closer as a community in Twin Peaks... From Another Place. 

    Though I never met Katie, I did have a few brief back-and-forths with her in the comments sections of posts in the group. From those memorable little moments, they were big in my heart because I felt how much of a compassionate and endearing person she really was. I felt connected to all the mourning. Katie will always be the Sun to all our days, and the Moon and stars to all our nights. A light eternal.

    I think I might have filled in some of the gaps when I last posted on this blog. Ups and downs and all around. I hope everyone is doing well and we all live on in love, peace, and harmony. Thank you for checking into this blog and article. I might have another one coming up that is an observation I just discovered on my own and not sure if others have discoved it already.

    Always fun to write, and I'm happy to return with an article after so many months inactive. Thank you all so much and keep on dreaming. :)

Now Working on Another Project!!

 Hey ya'll!!

Not Twin Peaks, unfortunately (sorry to disappoint you all if that's the reason why you clicked the article), and I know how some of you readers might have read my Twin Peaks fanfic novels, Twin Peaks: Chasing A Blue Rose want to know what happens next, but I have ADHD so my attention spans vary from project to project. Not a fun thing to deal with, but I eventually return to them, so keep yourselves patient for more literary content in that area of my works.

Lately, I've become highly investing my time with prepping for a Star Wars script that will BLOW MINDS. I'm attempting to work on something that will make Disney fall of their high horses and feel ashamed of the damage they have caused the Star Wars franchise to the point of utter failure and defeat.

So far so good, what I have planned out is going to be incredible. I can't wait finally write the script and share with some fellas who will take into account and maybe make a fan film of it. I know someone who will be the most help and he makes wonderful Star Wars content on YouTube and other social platforms. I will not share his name, but I'm sure he's commonly known among Star Wars fans by the thousands or millions. So... will give updates on this journey. Very excited for this. 

I even made a group on Facebook today called Rescuing Star Wars United, which will serve the purpose of rescuing franchise from creative collapse. Here's the link for ya'll to join, and I hope we can all have a lot of fun there and make it as big as Twin Peaks... From Another Place or bigger.

Love and Peace and See You In The Trees... <3

Rescuing Star Wars United

Very Sorry for my Absence


I know. Long time, no post. 

I've been very busy writing for an album I hope to release sometime in the future. I've written 8 songs so far, and it's been quite a ride. Two songs per day. I don't know know how many songs I'm going to write. Lately, it's been a passion I can't turn off. 

The album that I hope to release will be of many many influences. Influences including: TOOL, Pink Floyd, Maroon 5's debut album Songs About Jane, Phil Collins, Stone Temple Pilots, Collective Soul, the song The Downtown Lights by the Blue Nile, and Depeche Mode to name a few. There might be a Julee Cruise-isque influence as well, to add a hint of Lynchian vibes.

What has urged me to write an album is.... I've been touched hard by someone in particular who I thought was someone who I could count on in so many ways. They ditched me, and the friends that I shared with him, and it's not been pretty since. Songwriting about it has kept me cool for the past few days, and I've been trying to find a way to proper recover for almost two months (it's THAT bad). Though not every song is about them on the album, they each touch on a very overwhelming event that has recently went down.

My lyrics have been told to be dark, sometimes cold, and even deep to the point that the pain is so apparent can make an impression on audiences, especially if the music done experimentally with a fresh sound. I have been told by someone who is working with me on music choices, preferences, etc. that I'm advanced on my formatting, breaking the songwriting rules and somehow still making it all work. So I'm very pleased with that, and am looking forward to any further progress.

And to say more, a dear friend by the name of Sheila Victoria Anne (aka professionally Sheilava) has agreed to stand as my main vocalist. She's an amazing singer/songwriter/actress and I feel she'll understand all the feelings that I've written in my songs in a way that is somewhat compatible if we haven't shared the same experience. We've both had our downs and we've certainly have our admirations for each other. 

The album will be released on YouTube, Internet Archives, and maybe other online platforms, and later will be released in CD, vinyl, cassettes, etc. in the future after that. Will be a fun ride worth exploring and learning. 

So, forgive me if I've been MIA with this blog. I actually just recently finished watching The Return and might cook up another article either the end of this week or the next, depending on my writing habits. But I hope and wish everyone who are still checking this blog out healthy and well, and to keep on rockin'!!

Love and Peace, and always give yourself a present everyday. <3 




Wait with anticipation for David Lynch to announce something very special for all of us to see and hear. 

Hope everyone is excited about this, especially this being the first time he has posted in over a year on Twitter, now called X.  

Let's rock down the days til the 5th of June!!

Something Is Coming Along on June 5 

David Lynch: A Love Letter Dedication

David Lynch was more than just a man.   That much I can say for all of us. For, if he were only a man, why would we feel so close to him or ...